Thursday, 22 June 2017

Here's a  Sermon Time ‘drama’ about the Mission and Service of The United Church of Canada.  It was originally written by The Rev. Matthew Penny.  It has been adapted by The Rev. Dave Jagger. (me!)  Have fun with it!

Characters needed:
Preacher- Should be dressed in robes. Look ministerial!
Mission & Service Enthusiast - should be a person who can be truly enthusiastic about sharing the stories.
Three ‘characters at the table’ - These should be casually dressed and a toque would be a good idea on at least one.  (think a cross between Bob & Doug Mackenzie and Statler & Waldorf the old men in the balcony from The Muppet Show)

For the role of Enthusiast you will need to choose 3 stories from the current Minute for Mission book and summarize them briefly.  It is best to choose stories that have meaning to your congregation.  You will also need to find the names of Pastoral Charges in your Presbytery or Conference who receive mission support grants (your conference office can help with that).

The scene opens with the minister about to preach in the pulpit. At the table in the middle of the stage, or at the front of the church are the three ‘curmudgeons’. They have to look the part and be willing to be a little critical of everything at the outset. They have their coffee cups out and appear to be dissecting the sermon during coffee hour after worship. A place at the front from which the Mission & Service Enthusiast is going to pop up from time to time with Mission & Service information. Timing in this play is important.
Preacher: (a pompous attitude might be helpful) ... then today, let’s talk about Stewardship. One old saying is that the Stewardship of our resources is everything we do after we say, “we believe.” I want the congregation to know that this passage about the sheep and the goats, a parable told by Jesus, is really about the division of people who are faithful in giving to the church and caring for others and is probably designed to encourage those who don’t seem to want to ‘get involved’ with the care of the world and the care of other people. What we need to do as a congregation is realize just how important other people are.... (When done his bits the minister should quietly move aside so as allow the focus to be on the others.)
First Curmudgeon: Did you hear that bit o’ preaching this morning in church?  Going on about how we are to spend our money? It was dis-gusting. (draw out the ‘dis’ bit). I mean, if the preacher really wants the church to do O.K. he should spend all of his time out there visiting folk and praying at the hospital over the sick and not worrying about how much money I give to the church.
Second Curmudgeon: Well, I was a bit surprised to hear him talk about the congregation being like a bunch of sheep and goats. Imagine what our church would be like if all we did was worry about treating people like livestock. And what about the United Church being the inclusive church? (put emphasis on word inclusive) That man should not be saying anything that even hints at one person in the church not being just like all the others. Aren’t we the United Church and aren’t we the ones who are supposed to be all the same.
Third Curmudgeon: All the same! Just a minute there. Do you think that every person in every United Church has the same problems and difficulties? I don’t want to be the same as you. In fact I don’t want you to be the same as me! Some people do need a little help from time to time you know.
Enthusiast:  [insert a brief story of the work of Mission & Service to provide support for people]
Second Curmudgeon:  Well yeah, there are people who need some help from time to time, but I still don’t see why the minister ever has to mention money in the sermon. Don’t we get enough letters from the Finance & Property committee and articles in our church newsletter and invites to go to some event where they ask us for money, money, and more money. I tell ya, to go to church these days you have to shake hands at the door and keep one hand on yer wallet! 
First Curmudgeon: Yea, yea, ya got that right.
Third Curmudgeon: Oh yeah, Oh yeah.
Preacher: And friends, what Jesus is saying in this passage is that we have to be aware of what we are doing and who we are doing it to. Sometimes we ignore people, fail to be the caring community and don’t even realize that we may be doing damage to the world without even knowing it. That’s why both the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25 didn’t even realize that they were either helping or hurting other people. Did you know that in this country, most people spend about $60 per month on coffee and snacks and less than $50 per month on their church? 
When this is said, all the people at the table should turn to look at the preacher. They should mumble and grumble about that.
Third Curmudgeon: Well you know, if some people would just quit spending their time at the coffee shop or Bingo Parlour then things would work out. It’s them kind of people that don’t know when to quit.
First Curmudgeon: By the way do you want a ride to Bingo, Bingo on Wednesday for the 9 o’clock? 
Third Curmudgeon: No, I got a cousin comin’ over and she wants to go to London to the slots at the Western fair grounds.
Second Curmudgeon: I’ll go, Lord knows it’ll be noisy around here Wednesday night, what with the Weight Watchers in here and all those little girls in Sparks and Brownies running around.
Enthusiast:  [insert a brief story of the work of Mission & Service to provide outreach mission help]
First Curmudgeon: I got to wonder about a preacher who’s always goin’ on about the need to care for other people. It bothers me that... well... he ... uh... just seems to... 
Second Curmudgeon: I know exactly what you mean. He’s just so....well.....
Preacher: And what Jesus meant when he said the sheep and goats would be divided was that God would look upon the people and point out how little some had done to help others and how much others had done without even being aware. It’s not that the goats, those who didn’t help, left so much out of their lives. It’s obvious from the story that they did not purposefully deprive the little ones of food or clothing or help in some way. It’s just that they were so caught up in themselves that they forgot how to be helpful to others. Probably it’s more a matter of attention.  We have to be shown sometimes the folly of our ways and then, when this happens, we can get on with life, now with our eyes open.
First Curmudgeon: That preacher just.... well...
Second Curmudgeon: Yeah, I know what you mean. He’s just such a.... well. Mmm... 
Third Curmudgeon: This is getting to you guys isn’t it? You are starting to understand what that story from Matthew 25 means aren’t you. You two are starting to be changed. 
Second Curmudgeon: Now just a minute. I know that we’re supposed to be, like, good to other people. But that doesn’t give the preacher any reason to make us feel guilty. How does he know what I do with my money and who I give to? Is he nosey? 
First Curmudgeon: I know that being a caring person in this 21st  century means things will be different than they ever were. I know that sometimes we have to give money to help others.  But do I have to hear about that in church?
Enthusiast: [insert a brief story of the work of Mission & Service locally]
First Curmudgeon: I really do have a soft spot for people that are in trouble you know. That’s why I work at the church Bazaar and the Yard Sale. Why I even bought one of the Choir’s CD’s and sent it down east to my mother. I sure don’t want to be one of those people who gets lumped in with the goats. Do you think God really wants to judge us, like that story says? 
Second Curmudgeon: I think it’s like this. God wants us to keep an eye on the world. Not just our little piece of it, but all of it.
Third Curmudgeon: We can’t do that. How am I, one person, whose best part of the day is getting together with friends over a cup of coffee, to go out and save the world? If that preacher expects me to go to Africa and preach to the heathen then he’s got another thing coming.  Some nerve! Why don’t we just look after the people in our own church? 
Preacher: In essence what Jesus is trying to point out is that God resides not just in our imagined views of heaven. God is not just some robed deity sitting on a throne and watching the world, judging how we behave. God is watching, yes, but God is watching from the viewpoint of the poor, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned, and dare we say it now, the uninformed, the hated and the lonely. God is in the soup kitchens, the food banks and exists in the people with funny accents, the ones with HIV, the ones who need our love. It is not that we are to change all this, but we each can help those who do care to do their work. We can be the ones who assist the battle against HIV in Africa. We can help those who work on the front lines with the poor. We can assist those who counsel the new immigrants and those who reach out to the people living on the streets.
Second Curmudgeon: Well now. I don’t know about you two, but I think that today I’m going to make an effort to help all those people. I’ll be a sheep. When the other two jibe at this one she/he should look surprised and a little upset.
First & Third Curmudgeons: Baaaa, Baaaa,
Third Curmudgeon: I wonder if he/she’ll be the black sheep of the family?
First Curmudgeon: Naw, he/she is more like a shepherd?
Third Curmudgeon: A shepherd?
First Curmudgeon: Yeah, he/she likes to fleece people!
Second Curmudgeon: Now come on you two. Wouldn’t you like to feel good about doing something in your life? Wouldn’t you like to give up a coffee or two just to make a difference in someone’s life?
First and Third Curmudgeon: (in shock) Give up a coffee?!
First Curmudgeon: Heretic.
Second Curmudgeon: Yeah. Maybe. But if each of us just started to give a bit of our money to the Mission and Service of our United Church, that would make a difference.
Enthusiast: Churches supported by grants from Mission & Service within [local] Presbytery/Conference include: [list here].
Did you know about campus ministry at Universities across Canada? They have excellent programs for students and faculty at many of these facilities.  Students are supported at times of stress over exams or loneliness as this may be their first time away from home for an extended time. Some may require grief counseling if a close family member or friend has passed away during their absence from their home environment.  This may be a student’s first major experience with studying or working with students from foreign countries. Through campus ministries students will celebrate special holidays together and be introduced to customs and traditions of different cultures.
Preacher: In essence Jesus does not threaten us in this passage. He encourages us. God in Jesus encourages us to love one another as Jesus has loved us. This judgement of the nations passage is not an end of the world scenario. It’s about people being shown that in the places they least suspect it, they will find God. It shows us that we can help by being caring for those who exist around us. We don’t have to do great things all the time. We can do small things with great love. God encourages us. Reach out.
First Curmudgeon: I’m convinced. I’m going to start my giving to Mission and Service right now!
Second Curmudgeon: And you know what, I’m going to do mine through PAR.
Third Curmudgeon: Through what? PAR? Does that mean you only give on the golf course? 
Second Curmudgeon: No, No. It means I’m going to ensure that the money is there for the church all the time, not just when I remember to give a gift. I can always give more, but this way it gets to where it’s needed and they don’t have to worry about it. 
First Curmudgeon: And you know what? We don’t even have to give up cream in our coffee. We can make a difference and we can begin anytime. That’s what the preacher meant isn’t it? God is always looking for us to act. And so we will.
Enthusiast: You too can discover how to make a difference in the lives of many people who need help here in our own area and all across the world through Mission & Service.  As a congregation of the United Church of Canada, we are part of Mission & Service. Please join me in giving it your support?

Preacher: God in Jesus demonstrates a special concern for the suffering of the world. When we stand with and on behalf of the least, there we will find Christ and discover what it means to be a community of faith. Jesus came for the mending of creation and in him the poor, the oppressed and outcasts experience God’s liberating and saving love.  Thanks be to God.  Amen.